Site Maintenance:
Site Maintenance Contracts are offered to help increase the security and performance of your sites. These are yearly (or monthly to try them out) contracts to keep your site or sites updated along with all of the associated plugins or extensions. If you have several WordPress sites, for example, I will group them into a MainWP installation so they are all accessible from a single point and then keep them updated and upgraded through that access. This insures that your sites are kept current and do not get out of date and more likely to be hacked. This also means that your sites are being monitored in case problems come up.
The standard Site Maintenance Contract is good for up to 4 small sites. For $100 a month or $1,000 yearly all the sites are grouped into a MainWP site for ease of use. They then have all their themes and plugins updated every month. There is also 1 hour monthly allowed for site changes or help. I am pretty lenient on figuring that hour and will often end up doing a couple hours work for a client. As long as that isn’t happening every month. If you have more than 4 sites talk with me and we can negotiate a fair price.
If all you have is one or two small sites the price would reduce to $50 a month or $500 yearly.
If you need more time than allotted, once you have a Site Maintenance Contract you receive a reduced hourly rate of $35/hr (as compared to my $50/hr standard charge) for extra hours and are also eligible to buy pre-paid 20 hour blocks of time for $500 a block (for an hourly price of $25/hr).
Larger sites and more active sites would have to go on a site by site basis but it would have to be a pretty large and active site to not be included in the standard contract. Commercial sites with a lot of traffic would be evaluated on a case by case basis.